Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Negative Effects of TV

Besides positive effects, television has negative effects. According to a 2005 study by an association of pediatricians, the overall negative effects of television on children overweigh the positive effects. This comes as no surprise to those of us in the field of juvenile psychology who have seen the effects on children of more and more television watching.

The researchers analyzed standardized test results and television viewing habits of 1.700 children. Chindren aged 6 to 7 who watch more than three hours of TV a day score significantly lower on reading and short-term memory (STM)* tests than children who watch little or no television.

Another study showed us that, on the average, children spend more time watching television than doing any other activity except sleeping. They spend more time watching television than at school! All television shows, even educational shows, replace activities in children's lives that parents value more, such as studying, reading, and playing sports.

Another problem is that kids who watch television are physically inactive. Not only are they inactive, but they tend to snack a lot. Advertisements for inappropriate foods encourage them. This leads to children being overwight and out of shape.

Studies such as  this one simply conform what most psychologists already know. As far as children are concerned, television viewing is harmful and should be severely limited or altogether eliminated from their lives. Altogether eliminated from children's lives, do you agree? How about your children?

* The content of the STM is short-lived, and is easily displaced by new information. Our STM stores what we are thinking at the time, along with information that has come from eyes, ears, etc. After storing and processing this information for a few seconds, the STM promptly forgets nearly all of it.

Jendela Bahasa Inggris
Tempat menimba pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris
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